• +92-44-2550030, +92-321-4359990, +92-343-7000058
  • waqasbabar@gmail.com
  • Office 86A Galla mandi road Okara

Audit and Assurance(Internal Audit)

  • Tax Audit (For Management Purpose only)
  • Internal Audit and System Review
  • Review and Compilation Assignments
  • Management Audit

Internal Audit and Systems Control Review (SCR)

The scope and extent of internal audit and SCR is usually client-specific and is, therefore, rightly viewed by clients essentially as a value-added assignment. The underlying focus is on identification of the specific needs and risks of an enterprise and accordingly examining internal control framework enabling clients not only to mitigate but also to manage a whole range of risks. In the process, the reports responding to the scope set by the client seek to highlight a broad spectrum of business issues and control features such as sources of revenue enhancement and cost reduction potential and in consequence, identification of performance and profit improvement opportunities. No less significant is also the objective of enabling management to carry out properly and promptly their fiduciary and regulatory obligations, thus providing assurance to the Board and Audit Committee that the strategic, operational and financial controls are robust, sound, and effective.

Review and Compilation Assignments

This is a limited assurance and restricted scope assignment seeking to provide clients with a set of financial statements or any other form of financial data collected and compiled from client’s own books of account and records, either for the internal use of client’s own management or as the terms of engagement may determine, for meeting a specific fiscal or regulatory objective. The report, while not carrying expression of any professional assurance on the truth, fairness, or completeness of the subject matter reviewed, only seeks to assert that financial information presented is only the result of information and data collected and compiled from the client’s own records.

Management Audit

Also sometimes referred to as propriety audit, performance or operations audit, the assurance sought to be provided ranges widely from one objective-specific to a comprehensive assurance on financial stewardship, fiduciary behaviour, propriety of business conduct, and other multifarious objectives set by the client. The deliverables emerging from the assignments range from a detailed investigative report to a set of proposed options and business solutions tailor-made to the facts, circumstances, and sensitivity of each such audit.